Positivity In Sport

Positivity In Sport

Becoming skilled at any sport requires hard work, skill and dedication. But on top of an excellent skill set, having a positive attitude is almost just as important – this helps with resilience, in building team spirit and with confidence when first stepping out on the football pitch. Here are a number of simple ways to try and boost your positive attitude when it comes to football.

Find Out What Makes You Happy

One of the simplest ways to boost your mood and take on a more positive attitude is to identify what objects, people or activities make you happy. This may be spending time with people that also have a positive mindset and are uplifting whilst removing yourself from negativity. Alternatively, it could be listening to happy, mood-boosting music or simply spending time with your loved ones. 

Knowing where to go, or what to do when you feel yourself becoming negative or frustrated is the first way to breed positivity into your life.

Take Some Time To Yourself

While spending some time with your close friends, teammates and family may benefit you if they are positive and supportive, it is also important to recognise that sometimes they may be too much. Additionally, you might find yourself hearing negative content from coaches, peers and maybe parents on your performance. It is, therefore, important to distance yourself from this negativity, taking some time for yourself.  

After a tough game, it is important to distance yourself for a little while – avoiding any negative influences that we listed above. Don’t check any media reports on your performance if you believe it may be negative, and don’t ask for people’s opinions straight away. Instead, take some time to yourself getting into a more positive frame of mind, before looking for feedback.

Use Positive Language

One of the first ways that people put themselves down or put other members of their team down is through the use of negative language. One of the easiest ways to stay positive directly before a match or during it is by changing this language from negative to positive. Speaking positively can include words of encouragement for your teammates or repeating positive statements to yourself before the game with your targets and goals.  

Studies have shown that using more positive language can lead to an increase in self-confidence, and in turn, an increase in performance. On top of this, it can also help reduce nerves and anxiety before a game, and help cope with processing a loss – focusing on targets and how to further improve.

The Take Away

A footballer can have the most amazing skill set on the planet, but without a positive attitude, there will always be a barrier to reaching their full potential. A positive approach to playing football can increase motivation by allowing you to stay determined when losing a game, and allow you to move on and focus in the face of defeat. By identifying what makes you happy, taking some time for yourself and using positive language, you will make a great start in becoming a more positive athlete.