How to Stand Out During a Football Trial?

If you have a football trial coming up, your ultimate goal will be to stand out from others around you to convince any scouts and managers that you are worth their investment. This can be easier said than done, as this high-pressure situation can lead to you becoming nervous and overthinking your performance. To help you out, here are our top tips on how to stand out during a football trial.
Focus on Making an Impact
The most important thing in the eyes of a coach, manager, or scout is that you positively impact the game you are playing. You don't necessarily have to score the most goals; however, you need to show that you can benefit any team you play on. Tackle fairly, make great passes and communicate with the other players around you to show that you are an asset. Additionally, make sure that you are not trying to show off by showboating or dribbling excessively, as this does not show how you benefit the team.
Remain Positive and Show You Are Resilient
Whether the game that you are playing is going your way or not, it is important to show that you have a positive mental attitude, as this can make or break a game. Even if you are playing against other trialists, you still need to work together as a team, showing that you positively affect the game, as we mentioned above. Positively encourage those around you and work closely with them to produce your best performance while showing that you are a team player. Remember, those watching aren't just looking for a talented individual – they are looking for someone that can slot into their existing team. Furthermore, it is important to respect the officials around you, as this shows that you are level headed and well mannered.
Communication is Key
As we have previously mentioned, communication is key. Make sure that you are listening to other players within the game and responding to them. Encourage your teammates and listen to their instructions to play an integral part in the game. Additionally, make sure that you communicate your ideas and move with others confidently to show that you are a leader and have a clear understanding of the game and tactics. By communicating your ideas regularly and well, the Scouts attention will consistently be brought back to you, meaning they are more likely to remember you.
Make Sure You Appear Coachable
Perhaps most importantly, you want to show Scouts that you are not only talented but that you can be moulded and coached well so that they can get the best out of you. Show that you are eager to learn by asking questions and taking on board any feedback you are given, putting any advice into practice as quickly as possible. While your first attempts to carry out their advice may not be successful, it shows that you are willing to listen and try.
A football trial can be nerve-wracking, but by following the advice above, you will be able to stand out from the crowd, attracting positive attention from the Scouts. Remember, you have sparked their attention for a reason, so be confident in your abilities when you step on the pitch.